Monday, March 16, 2009

Cooking Taste Right Cafe Review

Damien and I finally went to Cooking Taste Right Cafe (CTR) on Saturday to try out their Boba drinks. We got our favorite flavor, taro root mixed with coconut. This Boba drink was way better than the one that we had at Dew. The frothy texture was just right and the flavor was great. The tapioca balls were much better, but I felt they were a little too soft for my liking, but way better than the firmer tapioca balls we had in our Boba drink at Dews.

My recommendations if you are trying a Boba drink for the first time is to get one from Cooking Taste Right Cafe if you live here in the Provo area, get a flavor you know you already like, and only get half of the tapioca balls.

The first time I had a Boba drink I thought the tapioca balls were kind of gross because there were so many in my drink. They are kind of an acquired taste/texture and so that is why you should start with half the amount to get used to them.

Also, start with a flavor you know you like and probably not taro root. The first time I tried taro, it wasn't my favorite. It isn't a flavor we taste very often here in the US and so it is also more of an acquired flavor. But you should definitely try it sometime because it is a milky sweet flavor that tastes great with coconut!


Jennifer said...

The tapioca balls were a little much for me too the first time I tried it. My drink wasn't thick enough either so I was practically choking on them!

I'll have to try that drink you mention here though, looks yummy!

Unknown said...

I totally want one now!!! We should go get one together!!!

BreAnna said...

We are definitely going to have to try it!!