Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Fiber One Bars Review

I have needed to write about this for a while so that I can warn you of the consequences of eating a Fiber One bar. These bars taste great, but they give you stomach issues and lots of gas. That much fiber doesn't sit well with the stomach. Damien and I got a huge box from Costco a couple of months ago and they were so tasty for having that much fiber, but we both quickly realized that it was making our stomachs hurt every time we ate them. Yeah, it is a great thing to get your daily amount of fiber, but with 9 grams in one sitting, it isn't so great. Take my word for it or you and those around you will suffer.


Unknown said...

Awwww...this reminds me of..REMEMBER PEACH JUICE??? Muahahhaa.

Nal said...

Yeah, peach juice. I haven't had any of that since I was at your apartment on 200 East!

Becca and Ashton said...

ok, so i agree with you about the gas. I love those and i used to eat them all the time but i did get gas with them. good point.