- I am adding something else to the list of not to do at the gym. Guy or girl, but especially guys, don't wear super short shorts that you hike up so that you practically have a wedgie and then lay down on the bench with your legs wide open for the world to see everything.
this. I am so grossed out that it is hard for me to focus on lifting because I am busy
throwing up. Someone needs to tell him he can't workout there anymore unless he gets a
pair of reasonably long shorts, but pants would be best to cover up those nasty curly-
haired legs of his.
2. AND guys, don't wear pajama pants to the gym either. They are very unattractive and we
can all see your...never mind. Just trust me. Don't wear them in public. They are for
sleeping anyway.

But on a happier note, I have been watching the Biggest Loser this season and I am really excited to watch the new episode tonight! I would have to say it is one of my favorite shows on TV right now. Also, there is a guy on there right now and his name is Damien and his wife has a name that starts with an N, like Nicole. Kind of funny!
Didn't you see the last episode?? Damien fell below the yellow line!! Remember all those times we used to go running to the tanning salon (or to BYU gym) and lift weights together? I do, it was awesome. Also, I saw Katie and Val today and I decided we have to do a get together before katie and I gradumacate!! Since you guys haven't been to my place, I volunteer it...what weekend is good for you? Val? Katie??
I just got caught back up with The Biggest Loser so I didn't know Damien is off the ranch. That is sad. Yes, we have to all get together before the two of you graduate for sure!
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